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ArdhiSasa , Ministry of lands, Land Search Online and Digitisation of Kenya's land registry

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Posted By:Hao FinderHao Finder

What is ardhi Sasa?

What is Ardhi Sasa

Ardhisasa is a cloud based Land information managment portal by the government of kenya.

Capabilities of Ardhi Sasa

This online platform allows kenyan citizens, Stakeholders and other interested parties to browse through Land data stored and processes undertaken.

Ardhi Sasa Login

Ardhi Sasa is integrated with Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Business registration Services (BRS / Ecitizen), Population Registration and Immigration Services, and The Integrated Population Registration System - Kenya Vision 2030. The datasets are integrated for seamless management of Land information.

Title Deed Guide Book

A user just needs to log in with their National ID and a password.

Unique with Ardhi sasa, the current owner of a parcel of Land has to approve any search initiated on the platform. The platform captures the geo-reference data of all parcels of Land that help manage sectional Property Title Deeds, sectional plans and Sectional units.

Having consistent geospartial data for all property is a crucial success factor in the success of Ardhi Sasa and smooth registration of property. Platforms like Ardhi Sasa are ideal an Integrated data system to make e-government a reality in Kenya.

Land data management has always been a laborious process, will Ardhi Sasa sort out this?

Ardhi Sasa In the News

  1. CS Karoney explains how the new Ardhi Sasa platform works

Capabilities of Ardhi Sasa

KBC News, Interview with Lands CS on Youtube- SJHZ1H0mJnQ

  1. Uhuru Kenyatta: Thanks to land management system under Ardhi Sasa

Uhuru on Ardhi Sasa

  1. The Institute of Surveyors of Kenya is lauds Ardhi Sasa Portal by the MInistry of Land.

Institute of Surveyors

Ardhi Sasa, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Faqs -Ardhi Sasa

  1. How to Create Ardhisasa Account and do Land Search
  2. New Ardhi Sasa system: What it means for you
  3. Ardhi Sasa account
  4. Ardhi Sasa app download
  5. How to register on ardhi sasa
  6. Land search online in Kenya
  7. Ministry of lands kenya online search
  8. Ardhi Sasa customer care number
  9. Ministry of lands portal
  10. How to pay land rent on ardhisasa
  11. When was ardhi Sasa launched?
  12. Is Ardhi Sasa the official site for the Ministry of Lands
  13. How to confirm a Title Deed on Ardhi Sasa portal
  14. How to Verify Land ownership documents on Ardhi Sasa

Ardhi Sasa Portal Challenges:

LSK on ardhi sasa

However, to date, the Ministry of Lands has failed to honour the agreement, declined to address our concerns and neglected the very mutual recommendations arrived at on 2nd June 2022. Further, the reports by the Ministry to the President of the Republic of Kenya, H.E. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta CGH., indicate that Ardhi Sasa is alive and perfectly working, a position which the Council and Members of the Society distance themselves from.

LSK on Ardhi Sasa


Ardhi Sasa Contacts.

Ardhi Sasa Contacts

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+254 715 560 734

+254 777 560 734

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Delta Corner Towers, Westlands, Nairobi

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