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Kiambu County property investment, wards and towns

Posted By:Hao FinderHao Finder

This content lists 60 different towns and wards in Kiambu County, Kenya and provides information on the type of real estate offerings available in each location. The offerings range from houses and plots for sale, property companies, housing agents, and land for lease. Additionally, services such as home ownership associations, real estate brokers, and land surveyors are mentioned.


Kiambu County property investment, wards and towns.

  1. Kiamwangi To Rent Houses.
  2. Kiganjo For Sale Plots.
  3. Ndarugo Property Companies.
  4. Ngenda Housing Agents.
  5. Gituamba Vrgin Lands For Sale.
  6. Githobokoni Landlords.
  7. Chania Tenants.
  8. Mang'u House Hunting Services.
  9. Murera Property Title Deeds.
  10. Theta Land Transfer Offices.
  11. Juja Property Investors.
  12. Witeithie Home Owners.
  13. Kalimoni Estates.
  14. Township Gate Community.
  15. Kamenu Controlled Development Estates.
  16. Hospital Value Added Plots.
  17. Gatuanyaga Cheap Plots.
  18. Ngoliba Plots Under 1 Million.
  19. Gitothua Buy And Build Plots.
  20. Biashara Home Owners Association.
  21. Gatongora Title Ready Plots.
  22. Kahawa/Sukari Plots On Sale.
  23. Kahawa Wendani Houses On Sale.
  24. Kiuu Apartments On Sale.
  25. Mwiki Land For Lease.
  26. Mwihoko Farm Land For Sale.
  27. Githunguri 7 Acre Of Land For Sale.
  28. Githiga Plots And Property For Sale.
  29. Ikinu Land And Houses For Rent.
  30. Ngewa Property For Sale.
  31. Komothai Real Estate.
  32. Ting'ang'a Properties.
  33. Ndumberi Plots.
  34. Riabai Rentals.
  35. Township Acres For Sale.
  36. Cianda Realtors.
  37. Karuri Property Brokers.
  38. Ndenderu Land Surveyors.
  39. Muchatha Agricultural Land For Sale.
  40. Kihara Shops To Let.
  41. Gitaru Apartments To Let.
  42. Muguga To Rent Houses.
  43. Nyadhuna For Sale Plots.
  44. Kabete Property Companies.
  45. Uthiru Plots And Property For Sale.
  46. Karai Land And Houses For Rent.
  47. Nachu Property For Sale.
  48. Sigona Real Estate.
  49. Kikuyu Properties.
  50. Kinoo Plots.
  51. Bibirioni Rentals.
  52. Limuru Central Acres For Sale.
  53. Ndeiya Realtors.
  54. Limuru East Property Brokers.
  55. Ngecha Tigoni Land Surveyors.
  56. Kinale Agricultural Land For Sale.
  57. Kijabe Shops To Let.
  58. Nyanduma Apartments To Let.
  59. Kamburu To Rent Houses.
  60. Lari/Kirenga For Sale Plots.

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