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Nyeri County, Wards, Towns and Property for and rental houses

Posted By:Hao FinderHao Finder

Nyeri County in Kenya has 30 wards, each with their own towns and property offerings. Some of the offerings include controlled development estates, value added plots, cheap plots, and plots under 1 million. Some towns have plots on sale, houses and apartments for sale or rent, and agricultural land for sale. Other services offered in the county include home owners association, realtors, property brokers, and land surveyors. Additionally, there are shops and apartments available for rent. The towns of Karatina and Mahiga offer real estate and properties for sale.


Nyeri County, Wards, Towns and Property.

  1. Dedan Kimathi Controlled Development Estates.
  2. Wamagana Value Added Plots.
  3. Aguthi-Gaaki Cheap Plots.
  4. Mweiga Plots Under 1 Million.
  5. Naromoru/Kiamathaga Buy And Build Plots.
  6. Mwiyogo/Endarasha Home Owners Association.
  7. Mugunda Title Ready Plots.
  8. Gatarakwa Plots On Sale.
  9. Thegu River Houses On Sale.
  10. Kabaru Apartments On Sale.
  11. Gakawa Land For Lease.
  12. Ruguru Farm Land For Sale.
  13. Magutu 6 Acre Of Land For Sale.
  14. Iriaini Plots And Property For Sale.
  15. Konyu Land And Houses For Rent.
  16. Kirimukuyu Property For Sale.
  17. Karatina Town Real Estate.
  18. Mahiga Properties.
  19. Iria-Ini Plots.
  20. Chinga Rentals.
  21. Karima Acres For Sale.
  22. Gikondi Realtors.
  23. Rugi Property Brokers.
  24. Mukurwe-Ini West Land Surveyors.
  25. Mukurwe-Ini East Agricultural Land For Sale.
  26. Kiganjo/Mathari Shops To Let.
  27. Rware Apartments To Let.
  28. Gatitu/Muruguru To Rent Houses.
  29. Ruring'u For Sale Plots.
  30. Kamakwa/Mukaro Property Companies.

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