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Thank You Message from our CEO - Gilbert Waliuba Nakiboli

Posted By:Hao FinderHao Finder

Thank You Message from our CEO - Gilbert Waliuba Nakiboli.

Thank You Message CEO

Dear friends,

The world is seeing a crisis of unprecedented magnitude and effects. All the scenarios experienced up until now have been suddenly overwhelmed by this unstoppable chain of events. This prompts me to share a few thoughts with you.

The first one is the pride I feel for what an extraordinary organization Hao Finder is, thanks to all of you that support its vision. We are united by a common culture of discipline, flexibility, and co-operation that makes us unbeatable in the face of events like this, in the face of adversity. We are going to overcome the difficulties of the moment, and we will do so, as always, by helping society do the same, in all the counties where we operate, Hao Finder partners and Clients, co-operating responsibly and in solidarity with the authorities.

There is no doubt that this crisis is going to bring about irreversible changes in the ways that we think and work. It makes me proud to see how smoothly we have been able to roll out teleworking and other flexibility measures to all the activities of our company. The progress already made in digitalization and in the introduction of new ways of working have made this possible. This must serve as a platform for us to speed up our transformation as a company so that we will always be __ prepared for the unexpected__.

To conclude, allow me to put forth two additional considerations.

In the first place, the effects of this pandemic present us with new challenges. The housing and accommodation sector will undergo new changes in sync with global society. Together we will be able to meet these challenges, with the help of all of you, as well as that of our customers, partners, providers, shareholders, and government representatives.

Finally, I wish to address those of you that have been affected by this disease, personally or through your nearest relations. I send you my warmest regards and wish you a speedy recovery in the name of everyone at or looking forward to join Hao Finder.

I also wish to express my most heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you, the people of Hao Finder. Especially to those of you who are carrying out critical tasks to manage this crisis, including everyone from the medical professionals to those who work every day to keep your homes and businesses operating.

You are all setting an __ extraordinary example__ of commitment, professionalism, and solidarity.

You are the best guarantee that, united, we will emerge from this crisis stronger.

Kind regards,

Hao Finder Founder and CEO

Gilbert Nakiboli Waliuba

Founder & CEO

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